Friday, September 9, 2011

My Home

So I’ve talked a bit about my commute before. 
It probably takes about an hour all told, but it doesn’t feel like an incredibly long period of time because that includes walking and changing trains.

First I walk from my house, which is way down a hill, to the station.  It’s so Japan-like that I feel almost like I’m in an anime or manga.  I know, it’s stupid to say Japan is Japan-like but it’s still hard to believe I’m actual here sometimes.

I cross this bridge by my house, usually passing at least one high school girl on her bike and occasionally someone on a moped.

I walk up one hill, past some houses and apartment complexes.  In the morning I’m following a herd of elementary school kids.  They’re all walking to a nearby elementary school, with their giant satchels that have to last them from 1st through 6th grade, wearing their bright yellow hats with their school emblem on them, usually being guided by an older kid holding the school flag. 

I’d take pictures but that would be really sketchy. 

I go back down the hill, and there’re some really nice views, but this is by far the most impressive.

At the bottom of that hill and across the street is my train station.

I take two trains, like I talked about before, and then I walk down the street a bit.  I go up this big hill.  It doesn’t look that steep in this picture, but trust me! It’s steep!    I’ll take another picture from the top looking down just to show you.

And here we are.  Nanzan Daigaku.  (Read the gate right to left.) 

At school the other day they were doing a little bit of tea ceremony as kind-of a welcome party!  It was pretty so I took some pictures.  It looks very meditative.  Every movement seems very precise and calculated.  And yukata and kimono are so pretty! I want to wear one sometime...!

1 comment:

  1. I'm really glad that you're having a great time. The pictures are SO pretty. (this is Drakon, btw)
